9D Journey by Marc Willems

Imagine a journey where sound, affirmation, and somatic wisdom converge, guiding you through a profound exploration of your inner self.

9D sessions are the keys to unlocking your soul's symphony and setting your spirit free. In a world that's filled with noise, it's time to tune into the music of your soul and let it resound.

Are you ready to take the first step? To step into a new realm of self-discovery, consciousness, and personal growth? You're closer than you think.

→ Language will be adapted to the group (either LUX/GERM or ENGLISH) But the journey itself will be in !ENGLISH!


26.01.24 - 19:00-21:30 - Letting go

02.02.24 - 19:00-21:30 - Letting go

18.02.24 - 09:30-12.00 - Abundance

09.03.24 - 17:00-19:30 - to be announced

24.03.24 - 09:30-12:00 -Letting go